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Photo Credit: Daquella Manera.
A checklist for humanity
Here, you can find crowdsourced information about the DE&I policies of companies, colleges, universities, and other organizations. As this list grows, this can serve to help you, and others,
You can also contribute to these efforts by adding an entry or see existing entries for the DE&I policies of select organizations by going to the DE&I Checklist Dashboard.
This is a collective effort to preserve and expand on our shared, collective humanity over forces that seek to divide us for the sake of greed.
Remember that education and knowledge are power, and advancing and making education and knowledge more accessible is an act of mutual aid.
Just 3 letters: DEI
DEI (also known as DE&I) is an acronym denoting diversity, equity and inclusion. But, lately, it has become a target of conservatives, with this ideology vindicated by the Trump administration.
We cannot go back, and we cannot allow our communities, peers, families, friends and neighbors to be victimized by anti-DEI ideology or corporate impositions. These efforts are meant to devalue the worth of diverse employees and keep the working classes distracted from the penultimate goal of class consciousness across economic, racial, ethnic, and other diverse backgrounds.
Why is this bad news?
With tariffs and xenophobic policies by the Trump administration expected to worsen the cost of living crisis in the United States, now is the time to educate ourselves and our neighbors.
Believe this:
- “Rounding up” undocumented immigrants will not lower costs and, in fact, the labor-intensive work usually done by undocumented immigrants will result in higher costs due to less labor available to take advantage of new crop yields.
- NOTE: Undocumented immigrants, too, deserve to be paid fairly, being in the US is not compensation enough.
- Trans people are just like you, we literally just want to be able to live and, under the Trump administration, even this is considered to be “too much”.
- Personally, my cost of living expenses keep rising, and rising, and I’m sick of it and, add on to it the negative impacts of the Trump administration’s anti-DEI policies, and I really wished that my gender identity not being recognized meant that I could, I don’t know, not pay taxes? Please?
- People of color should be respected.
- Black Americans deserve safety, freedom and liberty, as do all other Americans, free of anti-Blackness and all other scourges of racism.
- Native Americans deserve to be recognized in the lands of their ancestors.
- Latino Americans and Asian Americans deserve to live their lives without being racially profiled and stereotyped.
- I say the same thing about the queer and trans communities, the disability community, cishet women and intersex people, and the like.
- We are enough and we deserve better than to be held hostage by who’s in office or whatever mandates the companies that we work for want to impose on us and their consumers.
Enough is enough.
Education is mutual aid and empowerment is mutual aid, so this site is meant to be a collection of resources for those who give a damn about keeping the world inclusive and focus on the real priorities that contribute to our shared humanity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are resources like this necessary?
At a time where xenophobia has, once again, overtaken the zeitgeist of the world’s foremost superpower, it is imperative that efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion are preserved and expanded.
At this moment, DE&I is under threat and has been a political target for years. The negative impacts of this will be, and have already been, detrimental. For instance, minority students at institutions, like the University of Texas and the University of Houston, have complained that their respective institutions have deprioritized them and their needs.
The instructions are clear, DE&I must be preserved.
What processes are involved in this checklist?
This checklist is functionally a data pipeline with the following components:
- a Microsoft Form to process new entries.
- a Microsoft Form dashboard with relevant summary stats
- an Excel spreadsheet which holds the contents of each new entry.
- a Power BI dashboard that is regularly updated to ensure that new entries are visible
Will these resources be monitored?
Absolutely. My goal is to ensure that the stories of individual people are expressed in as true and raw a fashion as possible. However, I will also manually cull each new entry to ensure that inappropriate content is mitigated and, if it happens to be maliciously placed, that it is removed.
This process, for as long as it is sustainable, will remain manual to ensure that the automation processes involved are checked and balanced with the human ingenuity that I like to think that I possess. It is also my honor to do this work.
Why is the checklist necessary if other resources exist?
The truth of the matter is that it may not be. Plenty of organizations already have relevant resources and guides as to who does, or who does not, support DE&I practices.
However, what differentiates this resource is that content is user-generated and, with the exception of obviously explicit or inappropriate material, I do not intend to censor the real-life experiences of any users who would like to share their experiences and stories with these institutions, companies or organizations.